Largest left-truncatable prime in base 45
primes <= 65535
Direct Search Factorization
Odd prime sieve
Segmented sieve of Eratosthenes
Partition numbers (A000041)
Number of primes: pi(x)
Sum of all divisors of all positive integers <= n
mth Combination , The kth Permutation
Uniform pseudo random numbers in a range , part 2 (System.Random) , part 3 (WELL512) ,
part 4(MWC58) , part 5 (CMR63 Fast RNG)
Small Cube Roots ( < 2^64 ) , Fast Cube Root ( < 2^32 ) , part 2
Fast Square root ( < 2^32)
Stirling Numbers 2nd kind
Cube Root
Nth Root, Nth Power
Pascal's Triangle, horizontal row
OEIS: A218076 , Consecutive zeros in Fibonacci numbers , Two more , One more with C++
Number of bits Fibonacci number
Fibonacci(~1700) sequence binary plot, Ed Pegg Jr.(2003)
Fibonacci(1000000000) Challenge(2012) in 0.1 ms, the first/last 10 bytes
Pell Numbers
Inverse Fibonacci, invFib(Fib(n))=n, graph , binary search , lowest bits , filter
Fibonacci Numbers: part 1 (1 multiply, 2 squares) , part 2 (2 multiplies) , part 3 (2 squares)
Sieve of Eratosthenes: part 1 , part 2 , part 3
Binomial Coefficient
Square, Division, Power, Square Root
Factorial a bit faster, floorLog2 of an integer
Factorial, Toom Cook 4, three threads
Toom Cook 3
Karatsuba, Toom Cook 2, Random BigIntegers, bitlength BigInteger
BigInteger Long Multiplication and Division