

Uniform random numbers in a range, part 2


Source code of System.Random is available at: CodePlex/Random.cs

System.Random is fast, basically a new random number is generated by a subtraction
of two numbers. A straightforward copy of the source code is two times slower 
compared to using rand.Next directly.
A way to speed it up: the codeplex code uses a multiplication by a double type. 
The multiplication can be replaced by a shift  and an "if" statement when 30 
random bits are needed, very occasionally an addition  "+ 1" (and an "& 1") are
necessary, that's what "Next30()" does in, voila:

    Fast Random Range (CodePlex)

Other improvements over the previous version:
-a 64 bits buffer, instead of a 32 bits one.
 Operations like "uint + uint" are as fast as "ulong + uint", 
 same for: " -  , ^ , | , << , >> " 
-Random numbers were computed bit by bit, now the bits are taken at once,
 some bit twiddling recycles unused random bits. 

Finally: A probably very true scaled (pseudo) random number generator, 
based on the .Net4 RNGCryptoServiceProvider class:
".. rng = new  RNGCryptoServiceProvider".
The "rng.Getbytes(..)" method fills a byte array, 
one byte as fast as 40 bytes, 40 bytes seems to be an optimum.
"Buffer.BlockCopy" copies the byte array to a uint array.
The uint array is used to fill a 64 random bits buffer, etc.
"uint x = g_uint_c(uint u)" gives a random value for x,
such that: 0 <= x <= u <= uint.MaxValue

    10^7 times rand.Next() takes: 107 ms (~11 ns per random number) 
    10^7 times rand.Next(int someValue) takes: 236 ms (~24 ns ...)
    |--------|-------------------------|         rand.Next()    11 ns  
    |        |       ms 10^7 *         |         rand.Next(i)   24 ns
    |        |-----------|-------------|         gen_uint(u)    50 ns, mean  ~35 ns
    |      u |gen_uint(u)| g_uint_c(u) |         g_uint_c(u)   280 ns, mean ~250 ns   
    |      0 |  24 |     |   24 |      |          
    |      1 |     |  73 |      |  139 |          
    |      2 | 124 |     |  296 |      |           
    |      3 |     |  78 |      |  211 |       
    |      4 | 242 |     |  518 |      |     
    |      7 |     |  83 |      |  282 |               
    |      8 | 290 |     |  680 |      |      
    |  2^7-1 |     | 102 |      |  562 |              
    |  2^7-0 | 380 |     | 1079 |      |          
    | 2^15-1 |     | 130 |      | 1123 |          
    | 2^15-0 | 414 |     | 1634 |      |               
    | 2^30-1 |     | 193 |      | 2164 |
    | 2^30-0 | 494 |     | 2672 |      |
    | 2^31-1 |     | 210 |      | 2251 |
    | 2^31-0 | 461 |     | 2747 |      |
    | 2^32-1 |     | 211 |      | 2307 |

find: "P_P" , hover mouse over "Net4 System.Random" for the code.
 Random ~ gen_uint(u) 
    CSP ~ g_uint_c(u)

| Gene-  |  Speed  | Upload | Entropy  | Birthday | Matrix | 6*8 Ma- | Minimum  | Random   | Squeeze  | Overlap- |
| rator  | (MiB/s) |  Size  | (->8)    | Spacing  | Ranks  | trix R  | Distance | Spheres  |          | ping Sums|
| Random |   370   | 17 MiB | 7.999989 | 0.000000 |  0.392 |  0.136  | 0.063920 | 0.905097 | 0.098440 | 0.005467 |
|    CSP |    34   | 15 MiB | 7.999987 | 0.032102 |  0.084 |  0.942  | 0.894277 | 0.036221 | 0.706538 | 0.023523 |

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

class scaled_random_uint
    private static ulong buf = 0;              // 64 random bits buffer
    private static int av = 0;                 // available bits in buf
    private static uint g_u = 0;               // copy of u
    private static int g_nd = 0;               // nd (needed) bits = highest set bit of u
    private static int g_s = 0;                // shift
    private static bool ones = false;          // true if u = 10, 110, 1110, ...

    private static uint g_uint_c(uint u)
        uint x; int s;
        if (u == 0) return 0;
        if (u != g_u)
            g_u = u;
            g_nd = nob(u);
            g_s = 64 - g_nd;
            ones = (u + 1 & u + 2) == 0;
    L0: if (av < g_nd) 
            av += 32;
            buf <<= 32;
            buf |= next32();
        x = (uint)buf << g_s >> g_s;
        buf >>= g_nd;
        av -= g_nd;
        if (x <= u) return x;
        if (ones) goto L0;                     // faster when u = 2, 6, 14, ...
        s = nob(x ^ u) - 1;
        buf <<= s;
        buf ^= x;
        av += s;
        goto L0;

    private static RNGCryptoServiceProvider
        rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
    private static byte[] r08 = new byte[40];       //  ... [400] ... ~15% faster
    private static uint[] r32 = new uint[10];       //  ... [100] ...  ,,    ,,
    private static int i_r32 = 10;                  //  ... = 100 ...  ,,    ,, 
    private static uint next32()                                  
        if (i_r32 != 10) return r32[i_r32++];       //  ... != 100...  ,,    ,,
        i_r32 = 1;                                                
        Buffer.BlockCopy(r08, 0, r32, 0, 40);       //  ... , 400)...  ,,    ,,
        return r32[0];

    private static int nob(uint u) // number of bits, position of the highest set bit, u > 0  
        u < 1u << 16 ? u < 1u << 08 ? u < 1u << 04 ? u < 1u << 02 ? u < 1u << 01 ? 01 : 02 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 03 ? 03 : 04 :
                                                     u < 1u << 06 ? u < 1u << 05 ? 05 : 06 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 07 ? 07 : 08 :
                                      u < 1u << 12 ? u < 1u << 10 ? u < 1u << 09 ? 09 : 10 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 11 ? 11 : 12 :
                                                     u < 1u << 14 ? u < 1u << 13 ? 13 : 14 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 15 ? 15 : 16 :
                       u < 1u << 24 ? u < 1u << 20 ? u < 1u << 18 ? u < 1u << 17 ? 17 : 18 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 19 ? 19 : 20 :
                                                     u < 1u << 22 ? u < 1u << 21 ? 21 : 22 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 23 ? 23 : 24 :
                                      u < 1u << 28 ? u < 1u << 26 ? u < 1u << 25 ? 25 : 26 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 27 ? 27 : 28 :
                                                     u < 1u << 30 ? u < 1u << 29 ? 29 : 30 :
                                                                    u < 1u << 31 ? 31 : 32;

    private static Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
    static void Main()
        speed((1u << 31) - 0); 

    private static void speed(uint u)
        int i, j = 10000000; double t;
        for (i = 0; i < j; i++) g_uint_c(u);
        t = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        for (i = 0; i < j; i++) ; // nada
        t -= sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        Console.WriteLine("u: " + u);
        Console.WriteLine("     ms: " + t);
        Console.WriteLine("   bits: " + (double)(nob(u)) * j);
        Console.WriteLine(" bits/s: {0:.000}", (double)((nob(u)) * j) / t / 1000000);

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