// MathWorld: DSF is the simplest (and most simple-minded) prime factorization algorithm.
// It consists of searching for factors of a number by systemetically performing trial divisions,
// usually using a sequence of increasing numbers. Multiples of small primes are commonly excluded
// to reduce the number of trial divisors, but just including them is sometimes faster than the time
// required to exclude them. DSF is very inefficient, and can be used only with fairly small numbers.
using System; // i7-4790@3.6GHz
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void Main()
findPF(~0uL); // warm up
time(4294967291); // largest prime < 2^32 50 µs
time(4294967291 * 4294967291uL); // 6.5 s
time(3183958073 * 5793651691uL); // 2 primes 4.8 s
time(~0uL - 58); // largest prime < 2^64 6.5 s
time(~0uL); // (2^64)-1 100 µs
static void time(ulong u)
Console.Write(" n " + u + "\n" + " t ");
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
List<ulong> pf = findPF(u);
Console.Write(sw.Elapsed + "\n" + " f ");
foreach (var v in pf) Console.Write(v + " ");
Console.Write("\n" + "\n");
static List<ulong> findPF(ulong n)
var pf = new List<ulong>();
if (n < 4) { if (n > 0) pf.Add(n); return pf; }
while (n % 2 == 0) { n /= 2; pf.Add(2); }
while (n % 3 == 0) { n /= 3; pf.Add(3); }
while (n % 5 == 0) { n /= 5; pf.Add(5); }
if (n == 1) return pf;
ulong d = 1; uint b = 0, rt = sqrt(n);
if (n <= ~0u) { findPF((uint)n, rt, 1, 0, pf); return pf; }
for (; ; b = 0x5A28A6)
while (b > 0)
d += b & 7; b >>= 3; if (d > rt) { pf.Add(n); return pf; }
if (n % d == 0)
n /= d; pf.Add(d); while (n % d == 0) { n /= d; pf.Add(d); }
if (n == 1) return pf;
rt = sqrt(n);
if (n <= ~0u) { findPF((uint)n, rt, (uint)d, b, pf); return pf; }
while (d + 30 <= rt && n % (d + 06) > 0 && n % (d + 10) > 0
&& n % (d + 12) > 0 && n % (d + 16) > 0
&& n % (d + 18) > 0 && n % (d + 22) > 0
&& n % (d + 28) > 0 && n % (d + 30) > 0) d += 30;
static void findPF(uint n, uint rt, uint d, uint b, List<ulong> pf)
for (; ; b = 0x5A28A6)
while (b > 0)
d += b & 7; b >>= 3; if (d > rt) { pf.Add(n); return; }
if (n % d == 0)
n /= d; pf.Add(d); while (n % d == 0) { n /= d; pf.Add(d); }
if (n == 1) return;
rt = (uint)Math.Sqrt(n);
while (d + 30 <= rt && n % (d + 06) > 0 && n % (d + 10) > 0
&& n % (d + 12) > 0 && n % (d + 16) > 0
&& n % (d + 18) > 0 && n % (d + 22) > 0
&& n % (d + 28) > 0 && n % (d + 30) > 0) d += 30;
static uint sqrt(ulong n0)
if (n0 < 1uL << 52) return (uint)Math.Sqrt(n0);
ulong n1 = n0 - 1 >> 24; int s = 25;
if (n1 > 255) { n1 >>= 4; s = 29; }
if (n1 > 15) { n1 >>= 2; s |= 2; }
if (n1 > 3) s++;
ulong r0 = 1uL << s, r1 = r0 + (n0 >> s) >> 1;
while (r1 < r0) { r0 = r1; r1 = r0 + n0 / r0 >> 1; }
return (uint)r0;
// //
// Eight threads, four cores. //
// //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main()
findPF(~0uL); // warm up
time(4294967291); // largest prime < 2^32 90 µs
time(4294967291 * 4294967291uL); // 110 µs
time(3183958073 * 5793651691uL); // 2 primes 0.9 s
time(~0uL - 58); // largest prime < 2^64 1.1 s
time(~0uL); // (2^64)-1 80 µs
static void time(ulong u)
Console.Write(" n " + u + "\n" + " t ");
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
List<ulong> pf = findPF(u);
Console.Write(sw.Elapsed + "\n" + " f ");
foreach (var v in pf) Console.Write(v + " ");
Console.Write("\n" + "\n");
static List<ulong> findPF(ulong n)
var pf = new List<ulong>();
if (n < 4) { if (n > 0) pf.Add(n); return pf; }
while (n % 2 == 0) { n /= 2; pf.Add(2); }
while (n % 3 == 0) { n /= 3; pf.Add(3); }
while (n % 5 == 0) { n /= 5; pf.Add(5); }
if (n > 1) { recFindF(n, pf); pf.Sort(); } return pf;
static void recFindF(ulong n, List<ulong> pf)
ulong f = findF(n); if (f == n) pf.Add(n);
else { recFindF(f, pf); recFindF(n / f, pf); }
static ulong findF(ulong n)
uint r = sqrt(n); if (n % r == 0) return r;
var locker = new object();
Parallel.For(0, 8, k =>
ulong d0 = k == 0 ? 07u : k == 1 ? 11u : k == 2 ? 13u : k == 3 ? 17u :
k == 4 ? 19u : k == 5 ? 23u : k == 6 ? 29u : 31;
ulong d1 = d0 + 30, d2 = d0 + 60, d3 = d0 + 90;
while (d0 <= r)
if (n % d0 == 0 || n % d1 == 0 || n % d2 == 0 || n % d3 == 0)
lock (locker)
if (r == 0) return; r = 0;
n = n % d0 == 0 ? d0 : n % d1 == 0 ? d1 : n % d2 == 0 ? d2 : d3;
d0 += 120; d1 += 120; d2 += 120; d3 += 120;
}); return n;
static uint sqrt(ulong n0)
if (n0 < 1uL << 52) return (uint)Math.Sqrt(n0);
ulong n1 = n0 - 1 >> 24; int s = 25;
if (n1 > 255) { n1 >>= 4; s = 29; }
if (n1 > 15) { n1 >>= 2; s |= 2; }
if (n1 > 3) s++;
ulong r0 = 1uL << s, r1 = r0 + (n0 >> s) >> 1;
while (r1 < r0) { r0 = r1; r1 = r0 + n0 / r0 >> 1; }
return (uint)r0;
// //
// ? //
// //
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main()
sqrt(1uL << 52);
ulong[] n = new ulong[] { ~0u - 4, 0, ~0uL - 172, ~0uL - 58, ~0uL };
n[1] = n[0] * n[0];
findPF(n[0]); time(n[0]); // largest prime < 2^32 50 µs
findPF(n[1]); time(n[1]); // 80 µs
findPF(n[2]); time(n[2]); // 2 primes 0.78 s
findPF(n[3]); time(n[3]); // largest prime < 2^64 1.05 s
findPF(n[4]); time(n[4]); // (2^64)-1 70 µs
static void time(ulong u)
Console.Write(" n " + u + "\n" + " t ");
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
List<ulong> pf = findPF(u);
Console.Write(sw.Elapsed + "\n" + " f ");
foreach (var v in pf) Console.Write(v + " ");
Console.Write("\n" + "\n");
static List<ulong> findPF(ulong n)
var pf = new List<ulong>();
if (n < 4) { if (n > 0) pf.Add(n); return pf; }
while (n % 2 == 0) { n /= 2; pf.Add(2); }
while (n % 3 == 0) { n /= 3; pf.Add(3); }
while (n % 5 == 0) { n /= 5; pf.Add(5); }
if (n > 1)
if (n <= ~0u) findPF((uint)n, pf);
else { recFindF(n, pf, 1); pf.Sort(); }
return pf;
static void findPF(uint n, List<ulong> pf)
for (uint d = 1, r = (uint)Math.Sqrt(n), b = 0; ; b = 0x5A28A6)
while (b > 0)
d += b & 7; b >>= 3; if (d > r) { pf.Add(n); return; }
if (n % d == 0)
n /= d; pf.Add(d); while (n % d == 0) { n /= d; pf.Add(d); }
if (n == 1) return;
r = (uint)Math.Sqrt(n);
while (d + 30 <= r && n % (d + 06) > 0 && n % (d + 10) > 0
&& n % (d + 12) > 0 && n % (d + 16) > 0
&& n % (d + 18) > 0 && n % (d + 22) > 0
&& n % (d + 28) > 0 && n % (d + 30) > 0) d += 30;
static void recFindF(ulong n, List<ulong> pf, int i)
ulong f = findF(n);
if (f == n) { while (i > 0) { pf.Add(n); i--; } }
else if (n / f == f) { recFindF(f, pf, i << 1); }
else { recFindF(f, pf, i); recFindF(n / f, pf, i); }
static ulong findF(ulong n0)
if (n0 <= ~0u) return findF((uint)n0);
uint r = sqrt(n0); if (n0 % r == 0) return r;
var locker = new object();
Parallel.For(0, 8, k =>
ulong d0 = k == 0 ? 07u : k == 1 ? 11u : k == 2 ? 13u : k == 3 ? 17u :
k == 4 ? 19u : k == 5 ? 23u : k == 6 ? 29u : 31,
d1 = d0 + 30, d2 = d0 + 60, d3 = d0 + 90, n1 = n0;
for (; d0 <= r; d0 += 120, d1 += 120, d2 += 120, d3 += 120)
if (n1 % d0 == 0 || n1 % d1 == 0 || n1 % d2 == 0 || n1 % d3 == 0)
lock (locker)
if (r == 0) return; r = 0;
n0 = n0 % d0 == 0 ? d0 : n0 % d1 == 0 ? d1 : n0 % d2 == 0 ? d2 : d3;
}); return n0;
static uint findF(uint n0)
uint r = (uint)Math.Sqrt(n0); if (n0 % r == 0) return r;
var locker = new object();
Parallel.For(0, 8, k =>
uint d0 = k == 0 ? 07u : k == 1 ? 11u : k == 2 ? 13u : k == 3 ? 17u :
k == 4 ? 19u : k == 5 ? 23u : k == 6 ? 29u : 31,
d1 = d0 + 30, d2 = d0 + 60, d3 = d0 + 90, n1 = n0;
for (; d0 <= r; d0 += 120, d1 += 120, d2 += 120, d3 += 120)
if (n1 % d0 == 0 || n1 % d1 == 0 || n1 % d2 == 0 || n1 % d3 == 0)
lock (locker)
if (r == 0) return; r = 0;
n0 = n0 % d0 == 0 ? d0 : n0 % d1 == 0 ? d1 : n0 % d2 == 0 ? d2 : d3;
}); return n0;
static uint sqrt(ulong n0)
if (n0 < 1uL << 52) return (uint)Math.Sqrt(n0);
uint n1 = (uint)(n0 >> 48); int s = 25;
if (n1 > 255u) { n1 >>= 8; s = 29; }
if (n1 > 15u) { n1 >>= 4; s |= 2; }
if (n1 > 3u) s++;
ulong r0 = 1uL << s, r1 = r0 + (n0 >> s) >> 1;
while (r1 < r0) { r0 = r1; r1 = r0 + n0 / r0 >> 1; }
return (uint)r0;
C# , System.Numerics, Multiplication, Karatsuba, Toom Cook, Division, Burnikel, Ziegler, Factorial, Luschny, Square Root, Zimmermann, Choose, Binomial Coefficient, Permutation, Combination, Eratosthenes, Primes, Fibonacci, Lucas, Pell, Catalan, Fast Random Number Generator, Overton
Direct Search Factorization
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