The next term is: F(127495932) with 53 consecutive zeros.
I used Visual C++ 2010 Express, GMP, and MPIR,
see: GMP on windows
The C++ code below is about five times faster than the C# code before.
And... the next term will be larger than 150 * 10^6.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "C:\projects\mpir-2.6.0\lib\Win32\Release\gmpxx.h"
#include "ctime"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
int lz(unsigned __int8 b)
return b < 1 << 4 ? b < 1 << 2 ? b < 1 << 1 ? 7 : 6 :
b < 1 << 3 ? 5 : 4 :
b < 1 << 6 ? b < 1 << 5 ? 3 : 2 :
b < 1 << 7 ? 1 : 0;
int tz(unsigned __int8 b)
return 7 - lz((unsigned __int8)(b & -(__int8)b));
void main()
int i, i0, i1, j, k, z, zmax, size;
cout << " low: "; cin >> i0;
cout << "high: "; cin >> i1;
cout << "zmax: "; cin >> zmax;
k = (zmax - 6) / 8;
mpz_t F0, F1;
mpz_inits(F0, F1, NULL);
time_t now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "compute F(" << dec << i1 << ")" << endl ;
mpz_fib_ui(F0, i1); // mpz_out_str(stdout,16,F0)
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
mpz_set(F1, F0);
cout << "compute F's(" << dec << i0 - 2 << " & " << dec << i0 - 1 << ")" << endl;
mpz_fib2_ui(F1, F0, i0 - 1);
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now) << endl;
cout << "enter a number: ";
cin >> i;
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "S T A R T" << endl << endl;
unsigned __int8 *p , *q;
for(i = i0; i <= i1; i++)
if(i % 100000 == 0)
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "F(" << dec << i << ")" << endl << endl;
p = (unsigned __int8 *)F0[0]._mp_d;
j = 1;
if (*p == 0)
for (z = 8, p++, j++; *p == 0; p++, j++, z += 8);
if (zmax < z + 7)
z += tz(*p);
if (zmax < z)
zmax = z;
k = (z - 6) / 8;
now = time(0); cout << " " << ctime(&now);
cout << " LOWZS: " << dec << z <<" F(" << dec << i << ")" << endl << endl;
size = mpz_sizeinbase(F0, 256);
for (j += k, p += k; j < size; j += k, p += k)
if (*p == 0)
for (z = 8, q = p - 1; *q == 0; q--, z += 8);
for (p++, j++; *p == 0; p++, j++, z += 8);
if (zmax < z + 14)
z += lz(*q);
if (zmax < z + 7)
z += tz(*p);
if (zmax < z)
zmax = z;
k = (z - 6) / 8;
now = time(0); cout << " " << ctime(&now);
cout << " ZEROS: " << dec << z << " F(" << dec << i << ") :ZEROS" << endl << endl;
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "F(" << dec << i1 << ")" << endl;
cout << "enter a number: ";
cin >> i;
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "compute F(" << dec << i1 << ")" << endl ;
mpz_fib_ui(F0, i1);
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now) << endl;
if (mpz_cmp(F0, F1) != 0) cout << endl << "E R R O R ! ! ! !" << endl;
mpz_clears(F0, F1, NULL);
cout << "zmax: " << dec << zmax << endl;
cout << endl << "R E A D Y";
cin >> i;
The next term is: F(127495932) with 53 consecutive zeros.
I used Visual C++ 2010 Express, GMP, and MPIR,
see: GMP on windows
The C++ code below is about five times faster than the C# code before.
And... the next term will be larger than 150 * 10^6.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "C:\projects\mpir-2.6.0\lib\Win32\Release\gmpxx.h"
#include "ctime"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
int lz(unsigned __int8 b)
return b < 1 << 4 ? b < 1 << 2 ? b < 1 << 1 ? 7 : 6 :
b < 1 << 3 ? 5 : 4 :
b < 1 << 6 ? b < 1 << 5 ? 3 : 2 :
b < 1 << 7 ? 1 : 0;
int tz(unsigned __int8 b)
return 7 - lz((unsigned __int8)(b & -(__int8)b));
void main()
int i, i0, i1, j, k, z, zmax, size;
cout << " low: "; cin >> i0;
cout << "high: "; cin >> i1;
cout << "zmax: "; cin >> zmax;
k = (zmax - 6) / 8;
mpz_t F0, F1;
mpz_inits(F0, F1, NULL);
time_t now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "compute F(" << dec << i1 << ")" << endl ;
mpz_fib_ui(F0, i1); // mpz_out_str(stdout,16,F0)
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
mpz_set(F1, F0);
cout << "compute F's(" << dec << i0 - 2 << " & " << dec << i0 - 1 << ")" << endl;
mpz_fib2_ui(F1, F0, i0 - 1);
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now) << endl;
cout << "enter a number: ";
cin >> i;
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "S T A R T" << endl << endl;
unsigned __int8 *p , *q;
for(i = i0; i <= i1; i++)
if(i % 100000 == 0)
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "F(" << dec << i << ")" << endl << endl;
p = (unsigned __int8 *)F0[0]._mp_d;
j = 1;
if (*p == 0)
for (z = 8, p++, j++; *p == 0; p++, j++, z += 8);
if (zmax < z + 7)
z += tz(*p);
if (zmax < z)
zmax = z;
k = (z - 6) / 8;
now = time(0); cout << " " << ctime(&now);
cout << " LOWZS: " << dec << z <<" F(" << dec << i << ")" << endl << endl;
size = mpz_sizeinbase(F0, 256);
for (j += k, p += k; j < size; j += k, p += k)
if (*p == 0)
for (z = 8, q = p - 1; *q == 0; q--, z += 8);
for (p++, j++; *p == 0; p++, j++, z += 8);
if (zmax < z + 14)
z += lz(*q);
if (zmax < z + 7)
z += tz(*p);
if (zmax < z)
zmax = z;
k = (z - 6) / 8;
now = time(0); cout << " " << ctime(&now);
cout << " ZEROS: " << dec << z << " F(" << dec << i << ") :ZEROS" << endl << endl;
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "F(" << dec << i1 << ")" << endl;
cout << "enter a number: ";
cin >> i;
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now);
cout << "compute F(" << dec << i1 << ")" << endl ;
mpz_fib_ui(F0, i1);
now = time(0); cout << ctime(&now) << endl;
if (mpz_cmp(F0, F1) != 0) cout << endl << "E R R O R ! ! ! !" << endl;
mpz_clears(F0, F1, NULL);
cout << "zmax: " << dec << zmax << endl;
cout << endl << "R E A D Y";
cin >> i;