// an approximation for a factorial: // // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StirlingsApproximation.html // // n! ~ ((2*n+1/3)*Pi)^0.5 * n^n * e^-n // // for the number of bits of a factorial we get: // // bL_FAC = n * (Math.Log(n) - 1) * 1.44269504088896 // + Math.Log(n + 1 / 6) * 0.72134752044448 // + 2.32574806473616 // // upto 2000000! the function "approximate_bL_FAC" is exact, // probably it will stay exact for much larger values, // let's say the approximation is close. // using System; using Xint = System.Numerics.BigInteger; class Program { public static int approximate_bL_FAC(int n) { if (n <= 2) return (n >> 1) + 1; return (int)(n * (Math.Log(n) - 1) * 1.44269504088896 + Math.Log(n + 1 / 6) * 0.72134752044448 + 2.32574806473616); } static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now); int n = 1; Xint F = 1; while (n <= 2000000) // about eight hours on my PC { F *= n; if (bL(F) - approximate_bL_FAC(n) != 0) Console.WriteLine(n); n++; } Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now); Console.WriteLine("READY"); Console.ReadLine(); } public static int bL(Xint U) { byte[] bytes = (U.Sign * U).ToByteArray(); int i = bytes.Length - 1; return (i << 3) + bitLengthMostSignificantByte(bytes[i]); } private static int bitLengthMostSignificantByte(byte b) { return b < 08 ? b < 02 ? b < 01 ? 0 : 1 : b < 04 ? 2 : 3 : b < 32 ? b < 16 ? 4 : 5 : b < 64 ? 6 : 7; } }
C# , System.Numerics, Multiplication, Karatsuba, Toom Cook, Division, Burnikel, Ziegler, Factorial, Luschny, Square Root, Zimmermann, Choose, Binomial Coefficient, Permutation, Combination, Eratosthenes, Primes, Fibonacci, Lucas, Pell, Catalan, Fast Random Number Generator, Overton
number of bits of factorial, approximation of bitlength factorial
Square, Division, Power, Square Root
// Some abbreviations: // // MTP(-3,-2) = 6 multiply // SQ(-3) = 9 square // POW(-3,4) = 81 power // DQR(-14,-3)= {4,-2} divide quotient & remainder // SR(11) = {3,2} square root // SRO(11) = 3 square root, root only // FAC(4) = 24 factorial // RND(2) = 2 or 3 random // bL(4) = 3 bitLength // fL2(5) = 2 floorLog2 // ..r extention to emphasize recursiveness // // +-----------------------------------------------------+ // | | BENCHMARKS.exe (Athlon X4 640, XP, 2GB) | // |random|------------------------------+---------------| // |number| time in milliSeconds |relative to MTP| // | of N|------------------------------+---------------| // | Mbits| MTP | SQ | SR | SRO | DQR | SQ| SR|SRO|DQR| // |M=10^6| N*N | N^2 |N^0.5|N^0.5| 2N/N | | | | | // |------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+---+---+---+---| // | 1| 190| 160| 209| 187| 664|0.8|1.1|1.0|3.5| // | 2| 533| 459| 530| 477| 1730|0.9|1.0|0.9|3.2| // | 4| 1400| 1190| 1390| 1220| 4450|0.9|1.0|0.9|3.2| // | 8| 3920| 3320| 3630| 3150| 12000|0.9|0.9|0.8|3.1| // | 16|10200| 8460| 9430| 8270| 32100|0.8|0.9|0.8|3.1| // | 32|28800|24100|25000|21700| 85400|0.8|0.9|0.8|3.0| // | 64|73400|61000|66900|57700|229000|0.8|0.9|0.8|3.1| // +-----------------------------------------------------+ // using System; using Xint = System.Numerics.BigInteger; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics; class program { private static Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); static void Main() { benchMark(); Console.ReadLine(); } private static void benchMark() { Xint U, V; int n = 2000000; while (n > 100000) { Console.WriteLine("n=" + n); U = RND(n << 1); V = RND(n); sw.Restart(); DQR(U, V); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("DQR " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); sw.Restart(); MTP(V, V); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("MTP " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); sw.Restart(); SQ(V); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" SQ " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); sw.Restart(); SR(V); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" SR " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); sw.Restart(); SRO(V); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("SRO " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); Console.WriteLine(); n >>= 1; } Console.WriteLine("READY"); } public static Xint MTP(Xint U, Xint V) { return MTP(U, V, Xint.Max(U.Sign * U, V.Sign * V).ToByteArray().Length << 3); } public static Xint MTP(Xint U, Xint V, int n) { if (n <= 3000) return U * V; if (n <= 6000) return TC2(U, V, n); if (n <= 10000) return TC3(U, V, n); if (n <= 40000) return TC4(U, V, n); return TC2P(U, V, n); } private static Xint MTPr(Xint U, Xint V, int n) { if (n <= 3000) return U * V; if (n <= 6000) return TC2(U, V, n); if (n <= 10000) return TC3(U, V, n); return TC4(U, V, n); } private static Xint TC2(Xint U1, Xint V1, int n) { n >>= 1; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; Xint U0 = U1 & Mask; U1 >>= n; Xint V0 = V1 & Mask; V1 >>= n; Xint P0 = MTPr(U0, V0, n); Xint P2 = MTPr(U1, V1, n); return ((P2 << n) + (MTPr(U0 + U1, V0 + V1, n) - (P0 + P2)) << n) + P0; } private static Xint TC3(Xint U2, Xint V2, int n) { n = (int)((long)(n) * 0x55555556 >> 32); // n /= 3; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; Xint U0 = U2 & Mask; U2 >>= n; Xint U1 = U2 & Mask; U2 >>= n; Xint V0 = V2 & Mask; V2 >>= n; Xint V1 = V2 & Mask; V2 >>= n; Xint W0 = MTPr(U0, V0, n); Xint W4 = MTPr(U2, V2, n); Xint P3 = MTPr((((U2 << 1) + U1) << 1) + U0, (((V2 << 1) + V1 << 1)) + V0, n); U2 += U0; V2 += V0; Xint P2 = MTPr(U2 - U1, V2 - V1, n); Xint P1 = MTPr(U2 + U1, V2 + V1, n); Xint W2 = (P1 + P2 >> 1) - (W0 + W4); Xint W3 = W0 - P1; W3 = ((W3 + P3 - P2 >> 1) + W3) / 3 - (W4 << 1); Xint W1 = P1 - (W4 + W3 + W2 + W0); return ((((W4 << n) + W3 << n) + W2 << n) + W1 << n) + W0; } private static Xint TC4(Xint U3, Xint V3, int n) { n >>= 2; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; Xint U0 = U3 & Mask; U3 >>= n; Xint U1 = U3 & Mask; U3 >>= n; Xint U2 = U3 & Mask; U3 >>= n; Xint V0 = V3 & Mask; V3 >>= n; Xint V1 = V3 & Mask; V3 >>= n; Xint V2 = V3 & Mask; V3 >>= n; Xint W0 = MTPr(U0, V0, n); // 0 U0 += U2; U1 += U3; V0 += V2; V1 += V3; Xint P1 = MTPr(U0 + U1, V0 + V1, n); // 1 Xint P2 = MTPr(U0 - U1, V0 - V1, n); // -1 U0 += 3 * U2; U1 += 3 * U3; V0 += 3 * V2; V1 += 3 * V3; Xint P3 = MTPr(U0 + (U1 << 1), V0 + (V1 << 1), n); // 2 Xint P4 = MTPr(U0 - (U1 << 1), V0 - (V1 << 1), n); // -2 Xint P5 = MTPr(U0 + 12 * U2 + ((U1 + 12 * U3) << 2), V0 + 12 * V2 + ((V1 + 12 * V3) << 2), n); // 4 Xint W6 = MTPr(U3, V3, n); // inf Xint W1 = P1 + P2; Xint W4 = (((((P3 + P4) >> 1) - (W1 << 1)) / 3 + W0) >> 2) - 5 * W6; Xint W2 = (W1 >> 1) - (W6 + W4 + W0); P1 = P1 - P2; P4 = P4 - P3; Xint W5 = ((P1 >> 1) + (5 * P4 + P5 - W0 >> 4) - ((((W6 << 4) + W4) << 4) + W2)) / 45; W1 = ((P4 >> 2) + (P1 << 1)) / 3 + (W5 << 2); Xint W3 = (P1 >> 1) - (W1 + W5); return ((((((W6 << n) + W5 << n) + W4 << n) + W3 << n) + W2 << n) + W1 << n) + W0; } private static Xint TC2P(Xint A, Xint B, int n) { n >>= 1; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; Xint[] U = new Xint[3]; U[0] = A & Mask; A >>= n; U[2] = A; U[1] = U[0] + A; Xint[] V = new Xint[3]; V[0] = B & Mask; B >>= n; V[2] = B; V[1] = V[0] + B; Xint[] P = new Xint[3]; Parallel.For(0, 3, (int i) => P[i] = MTPr(U[i], V[i], n)); return ((P[2] << n) + P[1] - (P[0] + P[2]) << n) + P[0]; } private static long current_n; public static Xint FAC(int n) { Xint P = 1; Xint R = 1; current_n = 1; int h = 0, shift = 0, high = 1, len = 0; int log2n = fL2(n); while (h != n) { shift += h; h = n >> log2n; log2n--; len = high; high = (h - 1) | 1; len = (high - len) >> 1; if (len > 0) { P = MTP(P, Product(len)); R = MTP(R, P); } } return R << shift; } private static Xint Product(int n) { if (n > 2) return MTP(Product(n - (n >>= 1)), Product(n)); if (n > 1) return (current_n += 2) * (current_n += 2); return current_n += 2; } public static Xint[] DQR(Xint A, Xint B) { int n = bL(B); int m = bL(A) - n; if (m <= 6000) return SmallDivRem(A, B); int signA = A.Sign; A *= signA; int signB = B.Sign; B *= signB; Xint[] QR = new Xint[2]; if (m <= n) QR = D21(A, B, n); else { Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; m /= n; Xint[] U = new Xint[m]; int i = 0; for (; i < m; i++) { U[i] = A & Mask; A >>= n; } QR = D21(A, B, n); A = QR[0]; for (i--; i >= 0; i--) { QR = D21(QR[1] << n | U[i], B, n); A = A << n | QR[0]; } QR[0] = A; } QR[0] *= signA * signB; QR[1] *= signA; return QR; } private static Xint[] SmallDivRem(Xint A, Xint B) { Xint[] QR = new Xint[2]; QR[0] = Xint.DivRem(A, B, out QR[1]); return QR; } private static Xint[] D21(Xint A, Xint B, int n) { if (n <= 6000) return SmallDivRem(A, B); int s = n & 1; A <<= s; B <<= s; n++; n >>= 1; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; Xint B1 = B >> n; Xint B2 = B & Mask; Xint[] QR1 = D32(A >> (n << 1), A >> n & Mask, B, B1, B2, n); Xint[] QR2 = D32(QR1[1], A & Mask, B, B1, B2, n); QR2[0] |= QR1[0] << n; QR2[1] >>= s; return QR2; } private static Xint[] D32(Xint A12, Xint A3, Xint B, Xint B1, Xint B2, int n) { Xint[] QR = new Xint[2]; if ((A12 >> n) != B1) QR = D21(A12, B1, n); else { QR[0] = (Xint.One << n) - 1; QR[1] = A12 + B1 - (B1 << n); } QR[1] = (QR[1] << n | A3) - MTP(QR[0], B2, n); while (QR[1] < 0) { QR[0] -= 1; QR[1] += B; } return QR; } public static Xint SQ(Xint U) { return SQ(U, U.Sign * U.ToByteArray().Length << 3); } public static Xint SQ(Xint U, int n) { if (n <= 700) return U * U; if (n <= 3000) return Xint.Pow(U, 2); if (n <= 6000) return SQ2(U, n); if (n <= 10000) return SQ3(U, n); if (n <= 40000) return SQ4(U, n); return SQ2P(U, n); } private static Xint SQr(Xint U, int n) { if (n <= 3000) return Xint.Pow(U, 2); if (n <= 6000) return SQ2(U, n); if (n <= 10000) return SQ3(U, n); return SQ4(U, n); } private static Xint SQ2(Xint U1, int n) { n >>= 1; Xint U0 = U1 & ((Xint.One << n) - 1); U1 >>= n; Xint P0 = SQr(U0, n); Xint P2 = SQr(U1, n); return ((P2 << n) + (SQr(U0 + U1, n) - (P0 + P2)) << n) + P0; } private static Xint SQ3(Xint U2, int n) { n = (int)((long)(n) * 0x55555556 >> 32); Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; Xint U0 = U2 & Mask; U2 >>= n; Xint U1 = U2 & Mask; U2 >>= n; Xint W0 = SQr(U0, n); Xint W4 = SQr(U2, n); Xint P3 = SQr((((U2 << 1) + U1) << 1) + U0, n); U2 += U0; Xint P2 = SQr(U2 - U1, n); Xint P1 = SQr(U2 + U1, n); Xint W2 = (P1 + P2 >> 1) - (W0 + W4); Xint W3 = W0 - P1; W3 = ((W3 + P3 - P2 >> 1) + W3) / 3 - (W4 << 1); Xint W1 = P1 - (W4 + W3 + W2 + W0); return ((((W4 << n) + W3 << n) + W2 << n) + W1 << n) + W0; } private static Xint SQ4(Xint U3, int n) { n >>= 2; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << n) - 1; Xint U0 = U3 & Mask; U3 >>= n; Xint U1 = U3 & Mask; U3 >>= n; Xint U2 = U3 & Mask; U3 >>= n; Xint W0 = SQr(U0, n); // 0 U0 += U2; U1 += U3; Xint P1 = SQr(U0 + U1, n); // 1 Xint P2 = SQr(U0 - U1, n); // -1 U0 += 3 * U2; U1 += 3 * U3; Xint P3 = SQr(U0 + (U1 << 1), n); // 2 Xint P4 = SQr(U0 - (U1 << 1), n); // -2 Xint P5 = SQr(U0 + 12 * U2 + ((U1 + 12 * U3) << 2), n); // 4 Xint W6 = SQr(U3, n); // inf Xint W1 = P1 + P2; Xint W4 = (((((P3 + P4) >> 1) - (W1 << 1)) / 3 + W0) >> 2) - 5 * W6; Xint W2 = (W1 >> 1) - (W6 + W4 + W0); P1 = P1 - P2; P4 = P4 - P3; Xint W5 = ((P1 >> 1) + (5 * P4 + P5 - W0 >> 4) - ((((W6 << 4) + W4) << 4) + W2)) / 45; W1 = ((P4 >> 2) + (P1 << 1)) / 3 + (W5 << 2); Xint W3 = (P1 >> 1) - (W1 + W5); return ((((((W6 << n) + W5 << n) + W4 << n) + W3 << n) + W2 << n) + W1 << n) + W0; } private static Xint SQ2P(Xint A, int n) { n >>= 1; Xint[] U = new Xint[3]; U[0] = A & ((Xint.One << n) - 1); A >>= n; U[2] = A; U[1] = U[0] + A; Xint[] P = new Xint[3]; Parallel.For(0, 3, (int i) => P[i] = SQr(U[i], n)); return ((P[2] << n) + P[1] - (P[0] + P[2]) << n) + P[0]; } public static Xint POW(Xint X, int y) { if (y > 1) return ((y & 1) == 1) ? SQ(POW(X, y >> 1)) * X : SQ(POW(X, y >> 1)); if (y == 1) return X; return 1; } public static Xint[] SR(Xint A) { return SR(A, bL(A)); } public static Xint[] SR(Xint A, int n) { if (n < 53) return SR52(A); int m = n >> 2; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << m) - 1; Xint A0 = A & Mask; A >>= m; Xint A1 = A & Mask; A >>= m; Xint[] R = SR(A, n - (m << 1)); Xint[] D = DQR(R[1] << m | A1, R[0] << 1); R[0] = (R[0] << m) + D[0]; R[1] = (D[1] << m | A0) - SQ(D[0], m); if (R[1] < 0) { R[0] -= 1; R[1] += (R[0] << 1) | 1; } return R; } private static Xint[] SR52(Xint A) { double a = (double)A; long q = (long)Math.Sqrt(a); long r = (long)(a) - q * q; Xint[] QR = { q, r }; return QR; } public static Xint SRO(Xint A) { return SRO(A, bL(A)); } public static Xint SRO(Xint A, int n) { if (n < 53) return (int)Math.Sqrt((double)A); Xint[] R = SROr(A, n, 1); return R[0]; } private static Xint[] SROr(Xint A, int n, int rc) // rc=recursion counter { if (n < 53) return SR52(A); int m = n >> 2; Xint Mask = (Xint.One << m) - 1; Xint A0 = A & Mask; A >>= m; Xint A1 = A & Mask; A >>= m; Xint[] R = SROr(A, n - (m << 1), rc + 1); Xint[] D = DQR((R[1] << m) | A1, R[0] << 1); R[0] = (R[0] << m) + D[0]; rc--; if (rc != 0) { R[1] = (D[1] << m | A0) - SQ(D[0], m); if (R[1] < 0) { R[0] -= 1; R[1] += (R[0] << 1) | 1; } return R; } n = (bL(D[0]) << 1) - bL(D[1] << m | A0); if (n < 0) return R; if (n > 1) { R[0] -= 1; return R; } int shift = (bL(D[0]) - 31) << 1; long d0 = (int)(D[0] >> (shift >> 1)); long d = (long)((D[1] >> (shift - m)) | (A0 >> shift)) - d0 * d0; if (d < 0) { R[0] -= 1; return R; } if (d > d0 << 1) return R; R[0] -= (1 - (((D[1] << m) | A0) - SQ(D[0], m)).Sign) >> 1; return R; } public static int bL(Xint U) { byte[] bytes = (U.Sign * U).ToByteArray(); int i = bytes.Length - 1; return (i << 3) + bitLengthMostSignificantByte(bytes[i]); } private static int bitLengthMostSignificantByte(byte b) { return b < 08 ? b < 02 ? b < 01 ? 0 : 1 : b < 04 ? 2 : 3 : b < 32 ? b < 16 ? 4 : 5 : b < 64 ? 6 : 7; } public static int fL2(int i) { return i < 1 << 15 ? i < 1 << 07 ? i < 1 << 03 ? i < 1 << 01 ? i < 1 << 00 ? -1 : 00 : i < 1 << 02 ? 01 : 02 : i < 1 << 05 ? i < 1 << 04 ? 03 : 04 : i < 1 << 06 ? 05 : 06 : i < 1 << 11 ? i < 1 << 09 ? i < 1 << 08 ? 07 : 08 : i < 1 << 10 ? 09 : 10 : i < 1 << 13 ? i < 1 << 12 ? 11 : 12 : i < 1 << 14 ? 13 : 14 : i < 1 << 23 ? i < 1 << 19 ? i < 1 << 17 ? i < 1 << 16 ? 15 : 16 : i < 1 << 18 ? 17 : 18 : i < 1 << 21 ? i < 1 << 20 ? 19 : 20 : i < 1 << 22 ? 21 : 22 : i < 1 << 27 ? i < 1 << 25 ? i < 1 << 24 ? 23 : 24 : i < 1 << 26 ? 25 : 26 : i < 1 << 29 ? i < 1 << 28 ? 27 : 28 : i < 1 << 30 ? 29 : 30; } private static int seed; public static Xint RND(int n) { if (n < 2) return n; if (seed == int.MaxValue) seed = 0; else seed++; Random rand = new Random(seed); byte[] bytes = new byte[(n + 15) >> 3]; rand.NextBytes(bytes); int i = bytes.Length - 1; bytes[i] = 0; n = (i << 3) - n; i--; bytes[i] >>= n; bytes[i] |= (byte)(128 >> n); return new Xint(bytes); } }
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